Our Home on Malolo Island is within 15 minutes to Fiji’s best known surf breaks including Cloudbreak, Swimming Pools, Namotu Lefts, Wilkes, Restaurants, Tavarua rights and Desperations.
We have a variety of surfboards you can choose from as a part of your exclusive stay with us at Vatu Vonu so you don’t have to Fly with your boards!

Swimming Pools
A fun, user-friendly right-hander that breaks out front of Namotu Island Resort. It’s a short wave that produces perfect peeling barrels usually a bit smaller than the other nearby breaks. An extremely enjoyable wave. One you can enjoy all day long with your kids and friends!
A Brief of the Reef!
- Funboarders, Foil, Longboarding
- Feb-October best surfing
- Right hander
- Reef Bottom
- Boat Only access
- Swll S-SW
- Wind NE-E
While the perfect pictures of Cloudbreak suggest flawless left barrels for one and all, this is a tricky wave with multiple sections and a malevolent side that keeps even the best surfers on their toes. The outside section at the top Point of the reef holds plenty of size and the vertiginous roll-ins lead into a flying wall section where speed carves are possible. Middles is where turns are less useful and the barrel starts to wind up, covering a lot of distance in a short time. Insides, or Shish-kabobs, is where the reef gets extremely shallow and the tubes get extremely… extreme! Less confident surfers thinking they can pick off a few on the inside are not going to find any easy rides here and the fingers of razor sharp reef are far less uniform than further out. The 3 sections rarely link up, but when they do, usually on a long period, SSW swell of epic proportions, it is one of the seven wonders of the surf world.
A Brief of the Reef!
- Gun, Longboarders, Kite Boarders, Shortboarders/li>
- Feb – October best time to surf it
- Left hand reef break
- Boat only access
- S-SW swell direction is best w SW trade winds

Namotu Lefts
A world-class left hand reef break that’s more forgiving than its fearsome, more famous neighbour Cloudbreak. Around 6 to 15ft Namotu Left can be the thrill of a lifetime but from two to 6 foot a short board, fish, longboarder or SUPer’s paradise. When the wind is going strong side shore, Namotu Left is as legendary in the sailboard and kite surf world as Cloudbreak is in the surfing world.
A Brief of the Reef!
- Fun for longboarders, SUP, Shortboarders, Foil and Kiteboarding
- Left Hander
- Reef
- Boat Access only
- S-SW swell
- Low going to high tide is the best time to surf it
Desperations is a right and left peak. It’s the spot to hit when everything else is pretty flat. Your pretty guaranteed to get some fun ones here. It breaks on a southernly swell and is right out our back door on the Malolo outer barrier reef. A short 10 minute ride south is Wilkes Pass. A perfect right hander.
A Brief of the Reef!
- Left and right-hand A-frame (predominantly left-hander with south swell, more right-handers with westerly swell)
- Wind: best on North-East wind
- Swell: South to South-West
- Period: any
- Tide: mid-high tide
- Low going to high tide is the best time to surf it

Wilkes Passage
Wilkes Passage is a long hollow right-hand reef break, located on across the channel from Namotu Island. It’s an open ocean passage where the reef rises quickly out of very deep water. The wave has a fairly easy take-off, followed by a long wall with some fast sections. It’s a great option for regular footers as an alternative to Swimming Pools.
A Brief of the Reef!
- Best for Shortboarders
- Moderate surfing abilities
- May-October best surfing months
- Reef Bottom
- Access by Boat Only
- Best Conditions SW-W swell
- Wind NE-E
- Tide High
Restaurants is a long, fast, hollow left hander that breaks over a shallow reef only a short 15 minute boat ride from our house. If Cloudbreak is a little to big and gnarly for you then you can hit Restaurants where the swell size will be half of Cloudbreak.
Best on a mid to high tide, the wave wraps sectionlessly around the reef of the Western side of the island. Push off and pull in, you could get one of the best waves of your life.
A Brief of the Reef!
- Gun, Semi Gun, Shortboards, Longboards
- Feb-Oct best time to surf
- Left Hander
- Reef Break
- S-SW Swell
- Wind is best S-SE
- Mid to High Tide